5 Ways to Help Your Kids Transition into Teens

5 Ways to Help Your Kids Transition into Teens

During the teen years, your child may have trouble fitting in and start to feel like they’re all but invisible. This is when you need to step up and show an active interest in your child’s day-to-day. One way to do this is by knowing your child’s teachers and course load at school.

Most schools have websites to access teacher assignment lists and test dates for each class. Get to know what your new teenager is learning, calendar their test dates, and offer help and encouragement. Sometimes a topic that your child finds especially knotty at school can be untangled when you explain it in your own words. Even reminding your kid that a test is coming up can make a world of difference to a kid who’s feeling like their efforts don’t matter.

You should also show up to parent-teacher conferences and, if your kid needs it, inquire about extra credit opportunities or tutoring availability. If you can’t make it to a school meeting in person, request a telephone conference or virtual meeting with your kid’s teacher. You can also be a comforting presence in your child’s often-lonely teen years by paying attention to what their interests are. Are they musically inclined? Do you have a budding artist or athlete in your midst? Show up to concerts and games whenever possible and sign your teen up for classes and camps to cultivate their interests and abilities.

Article By : Chavelt Saint Charles

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